History of Insurance From Year to Year

The year 215 BC

In the year 215 BC the Roman government was urged by the Supplier peliengkapan and supplies tentarakerajaan to accept the concept that protects them against all risks of loss that they have suffered over their goods on the ship as a result of maritime hazards as well as storm serangah enemy.

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Year 50 BC

CICERO in about the year 50 BC gave an explanation of the practice of providing protection or guarantee the safety of shipping money and securities during the trip. In return the party provide such protection given remuneration in the form of premiums to the protection provider.

Year 50-200

Emperor Claudius issued a guarantee to the importer against all losses they suffered due to the storm. Obviously in this case the premium charged anyway.

In about AD 200 in Roman growing associations called "collegia". The Roman soldiers "collegia" social events are held, among others, to raise funds for funeral expenses members who died or were killed on the battlefield.

The slaves were formed with the intention Collegianya if deceased can be buried properly (called collegia Nititum). Similarly, the brothers and the actors in Italy forming collegia called "collegia Tennorioum" in order to help the widows and orphans of its members.

year 1194-1266

The development of the human economy to the year goes on and this period is known a "Guild System" (System Gilda), the gathering of the people who have the same profession, then at that time formed the carpenters guild, guild bakers and so on.

The goal is the same as the purpose of collegia in Roman times, which is to improve the welfare of its members. From the data in the base can be said that the "collegia" and "System Gilda" is a social inventions that gained popularity and recognition of the public against the risks that must be addressed. The development of institutions like insurance keeps growing and eventually during the reign of QUEEN ELEANOR of Belgium (1194 - 1266) established the Insurance Act are listed in the "ROLE'SDE OLERON"