History of Insurance

The year 215 BC
Recognize Insurance-In the year 215 BC the Roman Empire Government urged by the Supplier peliengkapan and supplies the royal army to accept the concept that protects them against all risks of loss they suffered on their goods on the ship as a result of maritime hazards like enemy attacks and also the storm .

50 BC
Recognize Insurance-CICERO in approximately the year 50 BC gave an explanation of the practice of granting protection or security against the safety of sending money and securities during the trip. In return the party who were given protection balasjasa provide a kind of premium money to the giver of protection.

Year 50-200
Recognize Insurance-Emperor Claudius issued an assurance to the importer against all the losses they suffered due to wind storms. Obviously in this case also the premium charged.

In about the year 200 in Rome grew gatherings called "collegia". Roman soldiers "collegia" organized social activities, among others, raise funds for funeral expenses of its members who died or were killed on the battlefield.

The bondsman was formed with the intention Collegianya be buried with the dead when feasible (called collegia Nititum). Similarly, the brothers and the actors in the Italian form collegia called "collegia Tennorioum" with a view to help widows and orphans of its members.